VIBCO Production System™ & Operational Excellence

ABC6 Features VIBCO

John Guice of ABC 6 in Providence came for a visitand did a feature story on VIBCO Vibrators' unique lean culture and sense of fun.

Visitors impressions of VIBCO

A fun and informative look at the VIBCO Vibration Nation and how VIBCO's Lean Journey is inspiring and motivating others to adopt lean principles.

From Greater Boston Manufacturers Partnership

"Vibration Nation: Learning to See" is a high-energy, interactive training Virtual Plant Tour and lesson designed to educate, motivate and inspire viewers to embrace a lean philosophy. You will see the transformative impact of lean on VIBCO and how adopting lean principles can transform any organization -- whether public or private, government, manufacturing, high-tech, or service-related. The entire VIBCO team is driven to deliver on the company's mantra of "Same Day, Next Day," for their 1,300 products to over 4,000 distributors around the world. 

Please call 617-287-7714 or 

visit to order your copy today!

VIBCO on Concrete Answers TV

Owen Blevens of MidAtlantic Concrete takes you on a tour around VIBCO, the company that makes belt vibrators, and show you the people who make the company happen. Each one of these people love their job and they are not afraid to show it. Take a look at one of the happiest companies in the business.

VIBCO - Learning to See Event

Visitors at VIBCO speak of their experience of the Lean encounter they had during a plant tour and 'Learning to See' event.

Visiting Presidents Testimonials

Visiting Presidents, CEO's and other key people of different organizations speak out about their time at the Presidents University hosted by Vibco Vibratiors.